Always present, yet every changing

Being in my 25th year of Kung Fu It is beautiful to reflect back to see how far everything has developed and changed – and yet see what has still remained the same. The world is very different from when I first started. Everything from the fashions and cycles that happened, in life and martial arts, to the true entering of the digital era, with unimaginable resources at our fingertips. Indeed, perhaps that what bought you here…

For me, the passion inside for teaching, sharing and exploring the beauty of Wing Tsun, humanity and nature has only strengthened over the years.  Of course, I’ve been through the inevitable trials and tribulations that you have in life – particularly those faced by people who are passionate, determined and aspirational. Also, when you’re in the people business it’s bound to be rewarding, interesting and challenging in equal measure. But to still be as passionate about the art, sharing it’s profound gifts with others, and creating new memories is something I’m still immensely grateful for.

So what’s changed?  Well for the start the external environment looks very different. Since I started teaching my schools in a dusty scout’s hall aged 18, I’ve been through numerous venues since then. From halls that were -5 °C to teaching outside in 45 °C, it’s made me have a deep appreciation of both how well we can adapt to any environment – and yet the power environment influences over us. And during this process I’ve been very fortunate to have 4 dedicated, and distinct Kwoons – from next to the business street in Europe to inside a residential district, to in an ancient forest.

Our fourth Kwoon (the one we are in now), is like the saam sing chong (from the previous post), that I dreamed about for 25 years. When you are 15, and you hear the breath-taking legends of the Shaolin Temple – you can only just hope that one day in the distant future you can be part of something like that. And then when I was actually performing there, in China in 2011 – it felt like another step in what had been, by then, an unforgettable career. I’ll never forget the infectious child-like excitement in my Sifu’s face when I visited him afterwards in his favourite spa in Bükfürdő when he wanted to hear all about it (‘Tell me more, Tell me more – you’ve lived my dream!’).

I certainly can’t claim to have something on the same scale and grandeur of the Song Shan Shaolin Temple, but nevertheless, our dreams have come to fruition. Our Kwoon is built in ancient woodland, on an organic farm. We spared no expense or time to make this happen. Indeed, it was designed in partnership with a top Feng Shui master, and built out of eco-friendly, non-toxic and organic materials. For us, we wanted to have the best Yin and Yang combination: top training resources, combined with the profoundness of nature – from fresh pine air to fresh running water to the sounds of the forest.

Another aspect that has changed with this is the ability to explore how the different facets of Wing Tsun equipment bring deeper levels of meaning. In particular, with the Mui Fa Ching (Plum Blossom poles). These are 1ft, 3ft, 5ft and 8ft poles overlooking the forest where you train your mind, and home your skills, understanding and awareness. It’s become a firm favourite of students and teachers alike.

So, while life may be impermanent, there is a beautiful flavour of consistency in your underlying spirit if you listen to it. A clear dream, a pure emotion and some determination despite the odds. Feel that and you might just see the majesty of creation….


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